Pictures: Fun fact about the house...they don't burn any oil! They burn wood in this little contraption. The other pic is in Weybridge, trying to show the view of the mountains and the stormy sky...but it kinda failed a little bit.
I have a schedule now, and on Mondays I don't have to milk in the morning! So I got to sleep in...UNTIL 7:30!!! How luxurious. I worked in the cheese house making a cheese called "Lake's Edge." It's named for the stones on the banks of Lake Champlain, which are striped, like this cheese. We had poured the curds into moulds yesterday, and today the whey had drained out so they were firm enough to work with. The process went thusly: Pack down the curds until they are compressed and flat, sprinkle a light layer of ASH (imported from Canada, made from pine), then add another layer of curds and compress again, then sprinkle ash to coat the outside. And that's it! Then they age for some amount of time and grow a white mold. I've sampled all the cheeses and this is probably my's got a kind of pungent, blue cheese type flavor. My second favorite, in case you were wondering, it the herbal chévre.
Memorial Day means very little on the farm, although when I went to the co-op to buy food for dinner and found it closed, it meant quite a bit. Since I was already out driving, though, I decided to go explore. I went through Middlebury, Weybridge, Cornwall, Whiting, Salisbury, and Leicester. They were all very quaint and had beautiful views of the mountains, especially Weybridge and Cornwall...I stopped a few times to take some pictures but wasn't really able to capture it. Did I mention I got paid? $40! Enough to buy food. I am told it might go up once I'm fully trained, but I'm not worried. I'm here to learn, not to make money. Which is good, because I'm making less than a dollar an hour.
So I'm really liking the comments that people are leaving me. I'm a fan of those. Please continue, or I will stop writing. Yeah, whatcha gonna do now? Bet you're going to write something.
Hey Lis!!!!
This blaaaahhgg is amazing! You are goofily hysterical and i love it. Sounds like you are having a great time. Are you making up those recipes or is it out of a book? Stacey is jealous of the summer you are having. We are going to Boulder for the week to look for apts- excited!
Love you so much and can't wait to keep reading this glorious blog. maybe i'll start a blog...hmmm
ok, now i'm really glad i didn't follow through with my original plan of calling you at like 4:30/5:00 am to be like "HEY I'VE BEEN UP ALL NIGHT CONTRA DANCING AND YOU'RE JUST WAKING UP AND WE'RE IN THE SAME STATE WOOO I'M SLEEP DEPRIVED AND DELIRIOUS"
because then i would've felt really bad for waking you up on your sleep-in day. anyway, the dawn dance was ridiculously fun and you need to call me soon because i have super updates for you.
Jeremy - I am making up the recipes (except for the indian lentil curry). It's more fun that way! I don't actually use recipes anymore unless I'm baking. Sometimes I look at books for ideas and then just kinda go my own way. Yay apartments! I am coming to visit you, btw. You should start a blog, they're fun.
Susanna- you totally should have called me anyway...i would have gone right back to sleep. i'm glad dawn dance was fun and that we were in the same state for approximately 12 hours!
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