Friday, June 27, 2008

Crack Pizza

At Shelburne Farms they even put people in pens.
My dinner for the past two nights...recipe in previous post.

Remember when you were little, you and your friends used to say that thunder was God going bowling?  Or that rain was God crying?  Well, if that's true, then the Vermont weather God is a bipolar toddler who has frequent tantrums.  Today it was warm and sunny (I think...I was in a cave, so I can't be sure) and then all the sudden it was cloudy, and then it thundered, and then it POURED SHEETS OF WATER AND HAIL THE SIZE OF MARBLES, and then it was bright and sunny and warm again.  In a matter of maybe...30 minutes.  
Our sourdough starter is ready to make bread!  Yay!  Greg made some test loaves earlier this week, and I got to have two of them...and uh...they're basically gone now.  I like bread.  Especially this bread.  I'm pretty sure it's the best bread I've ever had.
Anyway, today we made 7 batches of dough, each one enough to make 4 loaves.  We then shaped them into baguettes and rounds, scored them, and popped them into the oven.  Now there are lots and lots of loaves sitting in a big cloth bag, ready to be sold at the market tomorrow!  Excitement.
Greg made pizza with some of the dough.  I'm pretty sure he should open a restaurant.  It was deeeee-licious.  Yes, I fail as a vegan.  Shut up.

I'm milking tomorrow morning, so I am heading off to bed.  Bed time for Big Bird.  Nighty night.

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