Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Picture:  The top of a wheel of Riley's Coat (a washed-rind hard cheese.  it's so delicious)

Today I made pesto.  

Chévre (fresh goat cheese)
Hazelnuts (or walnuts, or almonds)
Good Olive Oil

Puree basil, arugula, garlic, chévre, and hazelnuts in food processor or blender.  Slowly drizzle in oil while processing.  When smooth, add in some more chopped nuts, for texture...if you want.  Eat on pasta, on bread, by itself.

Today I woke up at 4:30, did morning chores, and then wrapped Lake's Edge and Camembrie in the cheese cave until I went crazy (approximately 5 hours).  Then I led the goats out to the woods; helped Greg fix the grain auger by handing him tools, fetching him Jesus nails, and being a human hammer; and watched the cats and kittens play.  The kittens are getting so big!  But they're still adorable beyond belief.  I wish they weren't so scared of me, because right now they run away when I try to play with them.  It makes me feel large and frightening, which I find insulting.
So remember I mentioned my near-death skidding off the road fiasco thing?  Well, I took my car in to get looked at yesterday, and they were like, "Um, were you driving this around for a week?  This car is so screwed up, what's wrong with you?"  I mean, it was making a rather odd noise when I accelerated, but I didn't think it was a problem...but apparently some things were rubbing together that shouldn't have been, and other things were twisted in odd directions.  So they took my car, and I was left car-less in Rutland, Vermont.  I had to take a bus back.  I no longer have a car.  Which will be interesting.  I'll definitely be eating a lot of garden fresh produce.
Tomorrow is my day off!  I plan to go to the lake and swim, because it's gonna be a hot one.  

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