Monday, June 16, 2008

Short But Sweet

I am trying to think if something especially notable happened today...
Can't think of anything.  
Actually yes!  Milking went REALLY well today.  I finished in a very reasonable amount of probably took me about 1.5 hours.  
And another thing!  I bought these amazing looking, perfectly ripe strawberries at the co-op.  I ate them, and then decided to call them "S.O. Strawberries."  S.O. standing for "Spontaneous Orgasm."  That's how good they are.  I started to eat them just by themselves, but then I remembered the bar of Lake Champlain dark chocolate that I had also purchased at the co-op.  I melted it in a makeshift double boiler and dunked the strawberries.  A few of them got a sprinkling of spicy pumpkin seeds.  Yummy.  
Also, it was the most gorgeous day, 78 and breezy.  
Happy Monday.

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